Today I was reminded about a 4-Quadrant chart (popularized by Robert Kyosaki) that is likely the reason many of us have chosen alternatives to the traditional model for creating an Abundant Life…
The Chart depicts the 4 types of people in the Business world:
- E – Employees
- Compensation is received in a linear fashion, based on Hours or Days worked
- Typically looking for job security
- S – Self-Employed
- Compensation is received for work personally performed based on agreed upon rates by the Hour or by the Job
- Generally feel they can do the work better and faster than others and prefer to work alone
- B – Business Owner
- Compensation is based on business profitability; other people’s time is leveraged for work performed
- Looking for systems and people that can run the company for them
- I – Investor
- Compensation is based on performance of their chosen investment; participation is typically a monitoring function
- Looking for the best places for their money to work for them
Additional Detail:
- Of the 4 Quadrants, the Business Owner group is by far the wealthiest.
- Those in the Quadrants on the left (Employees and Self Employed) work for those in the Quadrants on the right (Business Owners and Investors)
- The Quadrants on the left make up 90% of the business world
- The Quadrants on the right control 90% of the total money in the world
Typically, the real eye-opener for many in business is that they may be more of a Self-Employed entrepreneur than a Business Owner. Have you stepped away from a role as an employee to another role that continues to compensate you by trading hours for dollars?
Tags: Career Foundation, Financial Management, Time Management
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