It seemed like only yesterday…..

When I held this young lady for the first time… And this Wednesday; she is graduating not only from High School, but from Jr. College at the same time!! (I didn’t accomplish that until I was several years older than she is.) I’m so proud of all that my niece, Alisha, has already accomplished in her life. She has weathered some amazing challenges these past couple of years, but has remained true to her values, and true to the family who loves her.

I know that it will be a big adjustment for my Brother, his wife, and even her younger sister; as this young lady continues her college education in the Fall. I’m sure that it will seem strange for a while not to have the whirlwind activity of the “Drama Queen” under the same roof. It won’t be long until they all look forward to school breaks when she returns temporarily to the nest.

We all Love you, Alisha.. Continue to make us all Proud!!

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